Speaking at Chcon 2019

A few months ago, I saw the CFP for Chcon open up, and I thought back to how much I enjoyed Chcon last year, so I thought why not submit a talk this year.

I wrote up a submission, sent if off and a few weeks later I was delighted to hear that my talk was accepted! Since then I have been writing, editing and practising once a day for a fortnight, and I was happy with how things turned out.

On Thursday, I gave my talk The Story of the “Uncrackable” Lockbox, and Why Hackers Need to Work Alongside Developers, which is about the series of challenges u/cryptocomicon put forward for testing the security of his TimeLock software.

The talk has been uploaded to Youtube, which you can find below:

You can find a copy of the slides here.

I really like attending Chcon. It’s got that small con vibe, where you are able to have a chat to anyone you like without feeling swamped. Quality of talks are all excellent, and in most cases, you get to see a lot of local talent on display.

This year, Chcon was held at the old University buildings, which has now been transformed into an arts centre. The architecture is really quite amazing:

University buildings

Inside the Great Hall is a really nice stained glass window:


This was also my first conference while working for Canonical, which meant I got to try out my trendy Ubuntu shirts in public:


Good stuff. I had plenty of people come up and have a chat about Ubuntu, Linux and reverse engineering too, which was great.

The Chcon Crew really knew how to throw a great con! The evening events were a great way to socialise, and everyone who attended had a great time.

I’m looking forward to next year already! I just need to come up with something to speak about now =)

Matthew Ruffell